• Relapse Prevention LGBTQIA+ Group

  • Relapse prevention is a critical part of anyone's recovery. Knowledge and support are two vital components when working a program of recovery. Relapse Prevention is an eight week group that is open to anyone regardless of the stage of change they find themselves in; all that is needed is a desire to begin to change and learn. Admission to this group is open with no fixed start or end date as the group is ongoing. This group is a safe, judgement-free space to be your authentic self, be supported, and be supportive to others.

  • Starting soon

  • Sessions will be conducted via Zoom

Facilitator(s): Dottie Moffitt, LADC

more info

Most insurances will cover the cost of group sessions.
Speak to our Group Coordinator for questions regarding insurance or self-pay rates.

How to Join:
To inquire further about groups, please contact our Groups Coordinator at 603-865-1321 option 3.

Register for this Group

Who is completing this request? *
Your name
Agency name
Agency Phone Number
(do not include 1- prefix)
Agency E-Mail Adr
Yes    No
Yes    No
Why are you interested in this group?
Participant First Name *
Participant Last Name *
Date of Birth * (mm-dd-yyyy)
Parents Name (if Client under 18)
Communication Preference Phone    Email
(do not include 1- prefix)
OK to Leave Message * Yes    No
E-Mail Adr
Do you have Health Insurance ? *
Insurance Carrier *
Insurance ID# *
Secondary Insurance
ID Number
How did you hear about this Group? *
If you were referred to this Group, who referred you? *
(* required info)