Professional Referral - New Hampshire

(* required info)

Clients First Name *
Clients Last Name *
Clients Email Adr *
Date of Birth * (mm-dd-yyyy)
Street Address*
City *
State *
Zip *
Parents Name (if Client under 18)
(do not include 1- prefix)
Insurance Carrier *
Secondary Insurance
ID Number
OK to Leave Message * Yes No
Location Preference New London Upper Valley Claremont Plymouth Telehealth
Alternate Location Choice New London Upper Valley Claremont Plymouth Telehealth
Reason for Referral *
Attach a signed authorization from the client/patient regarding the release of their personal health information
(PDF only)

Does client have any have any current or historical concerns with substance use? * Yes No
If yes, please explain
Are these services mandated? Yes No
If yes, please note requirements
Referral Source *
Referral Contact
Referral E-Mail *
(do not include 1- prefix)
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